A man from Bihar has filed a case against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi following his controversial comments, claiming that they caused him to drop a bucket of milk worth Rs 250. The complainant, Mukesh Kumar, stated that he was in such a state of shock after hearing Gandhi’s remarks that his 5-litre bucket of milk slipped from his hands.
Gandhi’s Controversial Remarks
During a speech at the inauguration of his party’s new headquarters, Rahul Gandhi stated, “The BJP and RSS have captured every single institution, and we are now fighting the BJP, the RSS, and the Indian state itself.” These comments sparked significant backlash, with Kumar expressing his distress, calling Gandhi’s words a threat to the nation’s sovereignty.
Legal Action Taken
In his petition, Kumar has sought legal action against Rahul Gandhi, including charges of sedition. He claims that the comments were shocking and harmful, potentially leading to unrest. The complainant even referenced another incident in Guwahati, where an FIR was filed against Gandhi for creating a “dangerous narrative” that could fuel separatist sentiments.
Public Reactions
Kumar’s complaint is not the only legal consequence of Gandhi’s remarks. Another case was filed in Guwahati, where a complainant argued that the Congress leader’s statements were motivated by frustration over electoral losses and posed a threat to national unity.
This controversy has garnered widespread attention, highlighting the ongoing political tensions and the impact of public statements on legal and social discourse.