The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is intensifying efforts to end the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)‘s long-standing control over Delhi. In its recent list of candidates for the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections, the BJP allocated two seats to its allies: the Nitish Kumar-led JD(U) and the Chirag Paswan-led LJP (RV).
Despite initial reluctance, the BJP made this decision with an eye on the Bihar assembly polls, strengthening its alliance there. The JD(U) has fielded Shailendra Kumar in the Burari constituency, while the LJP (RV) is expected to contest in Deoli. These strategic seat allocations are aimed at reinforcing the BJP’s position in Bihar while creating a united front in Delhi.
With the announcement of 68 out of 70 candidates, the BJP is gearing up for tough competition in constituencies that are currently under AAP’s control. The BJP’s candidates include Poonam Sharma for Wazirpur, Sanjay Goyal for Shahdara, and Ravinder Kumar Indraj for Bawana. These candidates are positioned to challenge AAP’s strongholds.
The JD(U) and LJP (RV) are contesting under their respective party symbols, and the alliance is focused on a shared goal: to unseat AAP and offer a new governance model to the people of Delhi. JD(U)‘s Rajiv Ranjan Prasad emphasized that the focus isn’t on the number of seats but on working together to present an alternative governance model.
The BJP is facing a significant challenge, especially in the constituencies where AAP holds a strong presence. However, the coalition strategy could play a key role in reshaping the political landscape of Delhi.